Fused Deposition Modeling or "wire printing
In FDM printing (sometimes called FFF - Fused Filament Fabrication), a wire (filament) is melted and layered on top of each other. Over the layers the 3D object is formed.
The main features of this technology are:
- It is usually the cheapest and fastest solution.
- Ideal for enclosures and pieces with straight walls.
- Ideal for serial production of all kinds of parts where the surface finish is less important.
- The PCB lines are visible. The degree of visibility depends on the geometry of the piece, the layer thickness and the orientation on the board.
- Support is needed to support overhanging parts during printing. This results in a rougher surface at the bottom of the print.
- Layer thickness: 0.1 to 0.3 mm (and possibly up to 0.6 mm for large parts that may have a rougher appearance)
- Usually hollow printed, with an internal grid structure for strength
- Measurement accuracy: ± 0.5% with a lower limit of ± 0.5 mm
Stereolitography or "liquid printing
In SLA printing, a liquid epoxy resin is cured by UV laser on the surface of the liquid bath against the print bed. Each layer raises the print bed and a new layer is cured against the piece to form the entire object, which hangs upside down on the print bed.
The main features of this technology are:
- Gives a smooth surface. Almost no print lines are visible, except for faintly curved surfaces.
- Ideal for visual parts with small details.
- Provides watertight pieces.
- Support is needed to support overhanging parts during printing. The support remnants can usually be removed very well so that the surface remains smooth.
- Layer thickness: 0.05 to 0.1 mm (and 0.3 mm for Draft resin).
- Measurement accuracy: ± 0.5% with a lower limit of ± 0.15 mm
Selective Laser Sintering or "powder bed printing".
In SLS printing, a strong laser melts powder particles together locally. It does this layer by layer to build up an object.
- The surface is slightly grainy.
- The print lines are less visible than with FDM but more than with SLA, especially on faintly curved surfaces and depending on the print direction.
- Ideal for complex pieces with internal cavities.
- No support is needed for overhanging parts during printing because the unmelted powder around the object provides support. As a result, there are no support marks.
- Layer thickness: 0.08 to 0.12 mm
- Measurement accuracy: ± 0.3% with a lower limit of ± 0.3 mm
Other techniques
Apart from the most common printing techniques described above, there are several other production techniques that we use from time to time, depending on the needs of a project.
- Metal printing (in stainless steel, aluminium or titanium)
- Full colour printing (in sandstone or plastic)
- Vacuum casting (in PU, TPU or epoxy; for this we first make a 3D printed mould or a silicone mould; suitable for small series or for the (re)production of works of art)
- Thermoforming
- Laser cutting (in plexiglass, PET or wood; 0.8 to 5 mm thickness)
- Large format printing
- Ceramic printing (food safe, many colours of glaze possible)